Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Daily Five

I'm sure many of you have heard of The Two Sisters, The Daily Five, and CAFE. Well, I'm taking the dive this summer and I'm going to read The Daily Five with the hope of implementing it into my classroom this fall. There are many blog book studies out there in the "blogiverse" but one that I will be following is being hosted by several bloggers but the one that I'm visiting is Funky First Grade Fun. . .

Be sure to check it out!

I'm a couple chapters behind but I hope to catch up next week!

Educationally Yours,


Anonymous said...

Hi Kristin! I really liked your post and laughed along with you too! I'm in the same boat as you and hope that D5 will relieve me of keeping up with all those center busy work. I agree with you in developing intrinsic motivation in our students is the key. It's the how that is the challenge. There seems to be a common thread if you read other bloggers comments. If you haven't hopped around yet, I reccommend it.

BTW: I like your newly revised blog! It's very pretty...I'm a newbie and it's part of this summer's bucket list, so for now I went with a FREE host site until I'm ready to invest.

mrspelaez said...

Hi Kristin!
I really enjoyed your post about the D5 book study. I was laughing along with you, your mom and teacher friend too! I am in the same boat with you! I certainly could identify and you what else? If you hop from blog to blog, SO DO MOST OF US who are newbies at D5. Enjoy your summer and "newly revised" blog. It looks very pretty! I'm new at blogging so, I'm doing the economical FREE version for now, but hope to become more proficient in the future and invest in a "real" blog with graphics and links etc.

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